
The Norwegian Transparency Act (old site)

This statement highlights Orkla Home & Personal Care´s (OHPC) compliance with The Norwegian Transparency Act. The Act mandates transparency, accountability and respect for human rights within OHPC´s supply chain, applicable for own production, as well as to external suppliers and service providers

Primary responsibility for the Transparency Act compliance rests with OHPC´s Management Team, with support from Procurement, Quality and HR functions. OHPC has ensured accountability and compliance with the Transparency Act, by incorporating the Act´s mandate into the companies Policies, Governing Procedures and Orkla’s annual sustainability report

OHPC has developed comprehensive Policies and Governing Procedures that address human rights, equality and non-discrimination.

OHPC’s internal Policies cover a range of human rights issues, including but not limited to Code of Conduct, Supplier Code of Conduct, Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy, Anti-Money Laundering and Whistleblowing Policy. All OHPC employees are, for example, obliged to acquaint themselves with the ethical guidelines of Orkla Code of Conduct and the management team has a general responsibility for ensuring that their employees have signed to confirm that they have read the Orkla Code of Conduct.

Procedures for addressing potential risks relating to human rights and decent working conditions related to OHPC´s external suppliers are set out in the Governing Procedures for Procurement. These Governing Procedures cover areas such as supplier approvals, supplier re-assessments and supplier audits. The procedures ensure, for example, that all new suppliers accept our requirements in the Orkla Supplier Code of Conduct.

We also refer to Orkla´s annual sustainability report.